Khử trùng nước ăn uống,
nước khoáng, nước sản xuất
Đặc tính kỹ thuật
- Independent 3rd party validated performance
- Validated performance from 50% UVT+
- High capacity treatment up to 3,500 m3/hr
- Extended lamp life of 16,000 hours
- Automatic power stepping 100% – 30% power
- Automatic self-cleaning for quartz thimbles
- Hydraulically optimised low head-loss design
- High disinfection efficiency – 1 to 5 log
Công suất
- 10 m3/h đến 2000 m3/h
Khử trùng nước trong môi trường
ăn mòn
Đặc tính kỹ thuật
- NSF/ANSI 50 certified
- Electronic, hardwired ballasts providing maximum UV lamp efficiency and integrated control
- Corrosion and bacterial growth resistant HDPE housing
- High output – low pressure lamp (approx. 16,000 hrs.)
- 2 years (1 year lamp pro-rated) limited warranty
Công suất
- 2 m3/h to 90 m3/h
Đặc tính kỹ thuật
- Chemical free, green treatment solution
- High performance, 185nm TOC reduction lamps
- Efficient and enhanced power control
- Spectra 3 control system with BMS or SCADA communication
- TwistLok™ lamp design for simple, fast, and reliable maintenance
- V Clamp quartz seal for easy and reliable water seal
Công suất
- 10 m3/h đến 590 m3/h
Khử trùng nước hồ bơi
Đặc tính kỹ thuật
- Significantly reduced maintenance requirements
- Single sided maintenance / access
- Quick release enhanced safety Twistlok™ Lamps
Công suất
- Capacities of 10 m3/hr to more than 2,000 m3/hr in a single