UV SYSTEM - ultraaqua
bring friendly technology for evryone

Khử trùng nước ăn uống,
nước khoáng, nước sản xuất
Đặc tính kỹ thuật
- Corrosion-resistant electropolished stainless steel AISI 316L construction
- Simple installation, operation and maintenance
- Improved energy efficiency for clear water due to internal reflection of UV light
- 16,000 h lamp lifetime
- Operating pressure up to 10 bar
- No tools needed for regular maintenance
- Available with standard or advanced controls
Công suất
- 220SS series: 37 m3/h đến 1000 m3/h
- 350SS series: 60 m3/h đến 1650 m3/h
- 440SS series: 68 m3/h đến 1600 m3/h
Khử trùng nước trong môi trường
ăn mòn
Đặc tính kỹ thuật
- Rigid, corrosion-resistant construction for very harsh environments
- Temperature sensor in titanium housing
- Simple installation, operation and maintenance
- Available with standard or advanced control cabinets
- Optional UV monitoring with digital UV ÖNORM certified sensors
- Available with DIN or ANSI flanges
- No tools needed for scheduled maintenance
- GFRP control cabinet optimized for corrosive environments
- 16000 h guaranteed lamp lifetime
- The main advantages of UV stabilized PP
Công suất
- 75PP series: 7 m3/h đến 45 m3/h
- 220PP series: 35 m3/h đến 590 m3/h
- 350PP series: 55 m3/h đến 1650 m3/
Khử trùng cho kênh hở, bể chứa
Đặc tính kỹ thuật
- Modular frame and control system
- Polypropylene or electropolished stainless steel AISI 316l construction
- Simple installation, operation and maintenance
- Vertically installed lamps, accessible during operation and no submerged electrical components
- No tools needed for maintenance
- Continuous lamp performance / lifetime monitoring
- Optional water level control and UV sensor
- Available with standard or advanced controls
- High level of customization – to fit in any channel dimenstion
- Automatic wiper system
Công suất
- 220SS/PP series: 125 m3/h đến 590 m3/h
- 350SS/PP series: 230 m3/h đến 1150 m3/h
Khử trùng nước hồ bơi
Đặc tính kỹ thuật
- Market leading MPUV lamp technology
- Specifically adapted electronic high frequency lamp drivers
- Automatic lamp dimming
- Automatic diurnal power control
- Insignificant head loss due large connection flanges and hydraulically optimized reactor bodies
- 6″ high-resolution touchscreen
- Intelligent PLC control
- Electropolished stainless steel AISI 316L construction
- Manual or fully automatic wiper system
- Operating pressure up to 10 bars
- Simple installation, operation and maintenance
Công suất
- MP1000 – MP12000 : 88 m3/h đến 1650 m3/h
Thay thế đầu đo UV
Kỹ thuật thay thế phụ tùng của hệ khử trùng UV – Ultraaqua.